, by Unknown

Right from childhood we have been tutored by Mother, Father, Grand Parents etc that if something wrong is done God will pierce the eyes, God will forfeit your meals etc. These were just words spoken to the child generations after generations in the firm belief that its the best method of child rearing. Unfortunately the true background has been lost and when we grow we tend to extend this belief to our convenience. Humans always like a win-win situation irrespective of  competence. We assume ourselves capable of doing a thing, occupying a post, discharging a particular responsibility without bothering to review our capacity . Life is lived with our own moulds of what we should be, our children^s future and how people we meet has to be. The moment we find deviation from these pre-conceived moulds we lament commenting that these are due to God^s curse/Prarabda etc making little or no effort to make an inner search of what I am capable. added to this is the various self-styled swamis/astrologers who categorically say that next 6/7 years will be difficult. In the name of parihara we spend quite a substantial amount. If only the basic teachings in Geeta that you go on putting effort and be completing your Karma without getting a feeling of Joy for success and sad for failures. We unfortunately fail to differentiate between the doer and the one who does. Atma which is common never gets affected by success/failure but thebody in which we are tenants do suffer. Hence we ought to clearly feel confident that Gods do not pronounce punishments but its only a manifestation of the difference between what you had assumed and what you are actually.Sai Ram


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